New book alert

Stolen artifacts? Check.
Murderous ex-girlfriend? Check.
And burglar? Unfortunately, yet again, check.
At least it isn’t that rascally demon-worshipping cult up to no good again.
Oh wait, it is.

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Ian Thomas
Heartlines available now!

Matteo: “New wolf. Dead wolf. Loose wolf. Undead wolf. See how being Pack Lord might have some kinda importance around here.”

McLachlan: "I can’t believe you just condensed the last twenty-four hours down to four adjectives."

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Ian Thomas
Bloodstream available now!

When he moaned again about the cold night air she almost killed him. But she didn’t. She wouldn’t. Well not just yet. A little longer since she hardly ever got to be with guys these days. Apart from Henry of course. Though…since New York, he’d been…different. Distant.

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Ian Thomas
Online Exclusive with back story

“What’d we miss?”

“Investing in Google?” Frank deadpanned, looking up from his meal.

“No, I mean are we bad parents?” The questions had been swirling around Connie’s mind for the previous week. 

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Ian Thomas
Wolves Without Teeth - preorder

“Can I get a name for the order?”

What was he calling himself now? He’d worn so many names. Rarely his own. After all, a man’s true name was a powerful thing.

“Henry,” the man replied with a smile. For what he intended, this name would suffice. He wasn’t going to make it easy for them. Oh no, cat and mouse worked so much better when the threat was hiding in plain sight.

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Ian Thomas