Ian Thomas



The Third Triptych

I never saw myself joining a cult, let alone two. Not that this is some brainwashing, orgy-having, Hollywood hills living, commune-type thing. No, this is the real deal. Real power, real wealth, real rewards. So why jump ship onto Gunn’s little dinghy of a shadow folly? Because he has just enough arrogance and ambition to make this happen. The Cult of the Eighth House is a divided shambles. Why not back someone who can get things done? Especially when he already has.

Gunn has his own plan for McLachlan. Captain Grant has his. And I have mine. Together we can achieve something the main cult cannot. We can win. Lying with snakes is only a problem however, if you don’t bite first. Which I could and knowing this puts me a rung above the other two. Gunn’s ego will be his ultimate downfall. And Captain Grant is so devoid of humanity, he’ll probably be his own undoing. As for me, I’ll play the long game. Damage the vessel where he will really feel it.

It’s fun to play from the shadows.

 - Abigail



Julie says 'hi' by the way. No, wait, she says 'die'.


And this is why I do the banter.




The Second Triptych

Destruction is healthy.

It cleans out the weak, does away with the old, and allows for a fresh start. No one ever sees it coming. That’s the best part. The surprise in their eyes when you deliver a killing blow.

We are monsters after all. We thrive on destruction. On chaos. On death.

These accords are an aberration. Offensive and unnatural.

That’s where I come in. They think the Cult was bad news, they haven’t seen anything yet.

In drawing together, they’ve made themselves vulnerable. The witches have retreated. The vampires are a starving underclass. And the wolves. Well...they’ve been all but house-trained.

Destruction is healthy.

Destruction is coming.

 - Henry



You know how prickly I get when it comes to the Cult and Mammon.


No, I know how much of a prick you can get when it comes to the Cult and Mammon.

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The First Triptych

Technically? Not my fault. Well, not all of it. Yes, I found the cups online. Yes, I told McLachlan. Yes, I knew he would go and play the vengeful hero to get them back. But that's still not my fault. Not 100% anyway. Just...well, come on, these guys. These men. They talk a big game. Oooh, I want to take down this big powerful demon-worshipping cult. Oooh, I'm a five-hundred-year-old Pack Lord of all werewolves. Give me a break. I'm a wiccan. A good one. On both counts. Good magic and good at what I do. But there's only so often I can hear McLachlan or Matteo talk the big talk without wanting to hex them a little. Not proud of it. So...I gave them a little nudge.

Looking back...not my finest work. But then I didn't know McLachlan was gonna use the same carpe diem gusto to start dating. While a big powerful demon-worshipping cult is after him?

See not entirely my fault.

 - Rowan