Ian Thomas




Curses and prophecies.

Does it ever not sound silly?

Zoe and Bailey:


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A Young Adult Novel

While Zoe Freeman had expected her lockdown existence to feature minimal supernatural activity and maximum sleep recovery, she really should have known better. Nothing stops the supernatural. Not a global pandemic, not a national lockdown, and certainly not social distancing.

She patrols nightly checking on her classmates. Partly for reassurance, partly to prevent anything supernatural happening, and partly to maintain a healthy steps-to-comfort-food ratio.

With all the weirdness of the world, Zoe Freeman isn’t really prepared for strange dreams, a prophecy, and online gym class. Will the indignities never end?

Clearly not as there’s a new pack of werewolves in town, her mage-boyfriend is dabbling with dark magic, and a new threat on the horizon that has her mentor/teacher Bailey pretty spooked. Life is turning out to be more eventful than expected and it’s only April.

As the full moon looms and the prophecy is about to be fulfilled, Zoe is going to face her fears, foes, friends, and family. Secrets will be revealed, lives will be changed, and blood will be shed.

Or Covid will do what it does best and cancel all of it.

WILD THINGS is a sequel to EMPTY GOLD for YA readers following Zoe adjusting to life after the Shadow Triptych.

Note: this series has been written to standalone from the McLachlan series.



You know how prickly I get when it comes to the Cult and Mammon.


No, I know how much of a prick you can get when it comes to the Cult and Mammon.

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You sir! Have some cajones!


It's the pants. They felt snug when I bought them.



Meet McLachlan

Life used to be a lot less...demony. I had normal. Mom, Dad, occult-worshipping uncle. Oh, right...that's not so normal, is it? When I was nine things got pretty messed up. See my uncle and his cult goons kidnapped me to be their demon onesie. Total dick move. For 4 minutes and 12 seconds I was possessed. Legit horns out the forehead, flaming hoofs possessed. Then I was unpossessed.

Not that things went back to normal. Oh nonono. No, see my parents were killed in the process and I ended up stained by the demon. Which sucks. A lot. Sleeping patterns out of whack, I gotta live in a church and oh yeah, if I'm around other supernaturals – ya know, vampires, witches and werewolves - oh my! – I kinda ape their bad bits.

Sure I get this sounds like I'm being all cavalier about some pretty dark stuff but...thing is it's who I am. I gotta own this, warts and all. Not that I have warts. I don't. Not sure why I brought them up.

Now I kinda live among the supernaturals. Sort their crap out when they're too proud to do it themselves. Fight alongside them. Step in when things are getting a little end-of-the-worldy.

Thing is I would like a little 'normal' in my life. A little regular. A little...average. Just worry that dragging someone normal into this life might stain them as well.